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Desert city population lock


This is rather game logic, than a programming bug.

When i have a city which is built on a food-nonproducing tile, the city's food input and output is balanced.

This means no way to either grow population and start using a tile with food production, and also no way to close the city or die of famine. I tried to produce a settler or worker, but these do not cost a population, and also don't add to a city's population.

This situation is a perfect lock up

padisah Fri, 01/06/2017 - 20:48

I finally managed to do that as you suggested, with irrigation.

However, i liked the civ3 feature of moving population from city to city by building workers or settlers. I never played with freeCiv though, but if i remember well the rest of the civ series decreased the population level after building a settler. Actually in civ3 it took 2 pop units for settlers, and a single one for workers. Adding population was new with civ3. (or i didn't used it before)

padisah Fri, 01/06/2017 - 20:52

Yeah, another thing that i sould be able to raze cities owned by me. It may be limited in democracies, for for example single pop cities.