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Gábor Auth's picture

Automated city governor

The city governor determines what citizens in a given city shall do. With the city governor, the game engine automatically optimize the city's food, production and trade income: all citizens try to work on available tiles and optimize the income that specified as preference (blue buttons). In new cities the city governor is disabled (three gray buttons on the details sidebar) and it is available only with subscription in case of popupation of the city more than 5, due the greater server load.

Gábor Auth's picture

Developments biweekly newsletter #17

new world has been started at 2017-01-16 18:00 (UTC) with overview of the cities, modified food, production, trade and combat calculations, some GUI and performance improvements. A new world will be start at 2017-01-30 18:00 (UTC) with improved unit capabilities and bug fixes! This server will be two weeks long. Stay tuned! :)

Gábor Auth's picture

City mask

We've just added a city mask during the city overview, so that, you can see the territory of the selected city! :)

Gábor Auth's picture

Territory and borders

We've just finished a border drawing feature! It is a first step to complex territory based actions:

  • see everything inside border
  • military units of a nation at peace with the territory owner are not allowed (and cannot move)
  • bound resources of the cities must be on an owned tile


Gábor Auth's picture

Confirm dialog of work queue item operations

We've just added two brand new confirm dialog boxes to the city overview bar!

So that, you can confirm the purchase of half of remaining of item:

...and confirm the remove of item:

Gábor Auth's picture

Redesigned work queue items

We've just redesigned the work queue items! Here is the old list of items and the new design of the list of items:

work queue item old 

Check out the new version! :)

Gábor Auth's picture

Developments biweekly newsletter #14

new world has been started at 2016-09-07 19:00 (UTC) with player profiles, private messages, overview of the cities, modified food, production, trade and combat calculations, some GUI and performance improvements. A new world will be start at 2016-09-21 14:00 (UTC) with improved unit capabilities and bug fixes! This server will be two weeks long. Stay tuned! :)

Gábor Auth's picture

Redesigned diplomacy button

We've redesigned the diplomacy button, so that you will be able to see the number of diplomacy requests and private messages:


Gábor Auth's picture

Private messaging and enhanced diplomacy

We are working on the private messaging combined with an enhanced diplomacy, so that you will be able to send private messages to any players on your contact list.

We will introduce these three simple diplomacy pacts, so that you will be able to send one of the following offers:

Gábor Auth's picture

Developments biweekly newsletter #13

new world has been started at 2016-07-20 14:00 (UTC) with player profiles, private messages, overview of the cities, modified food, production, trade and combat calculations, some GUI and performance improvements. A new world will be start at 2016-08-03 14:00 (UTC) with improved unit capabilities and bug fixes! This server will be two weeks long. Stay tuned! :)

Gábor Auth's picture

Developments biweekly newsletter #12

new world has been started at 2016-07-06 14:00 (UTC) with player profiles, private messages, overview of the cities, modified food, production, trade and combat calculations, some GUI and performance improvements. A new world will be start at 2016-07-20 14:00 (UTC) with improved unit capabilities and bug fixes! This server will be two weeks long. Stay tuned! :)

Gábor Auth's picture

Space ships

We've sent out our last newsletter with wrong space ship results!

Finished space ships

Gábor Auth's picture

Developments biweekly newsletter #11

new world has been started at 2016-06-22 14:00 (UTC) with player profiles, private messages, overview of the cities, modified food, production, trade and combat calculations, some GUI and performance improvements. A new world will be start at 2016-07-06 14:00 (UTC) with improved unit capabilities and bug fixes! This server will be two weeks long. Stay tuned! :)

Gábor Auth's picture

Developments biweekly newsletter #10

new world has been started at 2016-06-08 14:00 (UTC) with with limited work queue item purchase, performance improvements and bug fixes. A new world will be start at 2016-06-22 14:00 (UTC) with player profiles, private messages, overview of the cities, modified food, production, trade and combat calculations, some GUI and performance improvements! This server will be two weeks long. Stay tuned! :)

Gábor Auth's picture

Step accumulation of sea units

We've modified the value of the step accumulation of the sea units, so that you can sail farther than ever... :)

Gábor Auth's picture

Modified trade route calculations

We've modified the trade route calculations:

  • base value equals the average of the trade values of connecting cities
  • is doubled if the cities are from different civilizations
  • is doubled if the route is established by Freight unit
  • is multiplied by the distance bonus:
Gábor Auth's picture

Developments biweekly newsletter #9

new world has been started at 2016-05-25 14:00 (UTC) with unit upgrade, simple space race, performance improvements and bug fixes. A new world will be start at 2016-06-08 14:00 (UTC) with player profiles, private messages, overview of the cities, modified food, production, trade and combat calculations, some GUI and performance improvements! This server will be two weeks long. Stay tuned! :)

Gábor Auth's picture

Developments biweekly newsletter #8

new world has been started at 2016-05-11 14:00 (UTC) with government support, sellable buildings, automated worker units, unlimited work queue length subscription, performance improvements and bug fixes. A new world will be start at 2016-05-25 14:00 (UTC) with player profile, unit upgrade, simple space race, overview of the cities, some GUI and performance improvements! This server will be two weeks long. Stay tuned! :)

Gábor Auth's picture

Developments biweekly newsletter #7

With these newsletters we want to bring you all a bit closer to the game’s development. We hope you’ll enjoy this closer view of what we’re doing.

Gábor Auth's picture

Developments biweekly newsletter #6

With these newsletters we want to bring you all a bit closer to the game’s development. We hope you’ll enjoy this closer view of what we’re doing.


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