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Permanent trade unless broken

could we make an established trade route permant unless broken by diplomatic or military actions. so much time is wasted redoing trade wth a high number of cities that it makes game playing almost untenable. there is no reason for a trade route to cease once established.

thanks for your time 

Darth Maul Tue, 06/21/2016 - 14:47

I would say not permant but extend the time for 17 cities it took me about 8 hrs just to do trade for those by  times 16 trades per city. As i think cruise missiles should be used once and a missle defense unit would be nice for the atomic bomb and cruise missile defense if the SAM build just works for defensice points.

Gábor Auth Wed, 06/22/2016 - 17:33

What do you think about the government base trade route duration combined with the diplomacy state? So that, for example:

Despotism: 24 hours (1 day)

Monarchy: 48 hours (2 days)

Communism: 288 hours (12 days)

Republic: 96 hours (4 days)

Democracy: 144 hours (6 days)


...and the diplomacy state:

Peace: multiplied by two the government values

War: immediately cancels the trade routes

Other: same as government values above


stuebing Wed, 06/22/2016 - 18:02

Communism should be permanent but flat? There would be no reason for communism otherwise. No one ever fights it seems. We should craft a way to win by war right now it's all money and trade. Noone ever attacks anyone. 

Haluska Obycajna Fri, 08/26/2016 - 01:36

In original game there was limit 3 per city and permanent. 

If I'll make 4th one get inactive status. 

This will make trade less important, now it's extremely important.